It’s never too early.
There is so much more to life than just freeing the body from illness and disease. Chiropractic helps babies and kids grow up strong and healthy by optimizing the connection in their nervous system. The first trauma we go through as humans, is birth. Usually, we think about birth as traumatic for the Mom, and rightfully so! However, even the calmest, shortest, safest vaginal births can create tension and misalignment in a baby’s cranial bones, neck and spine.
Chiropractic care is gentle and safe for babies. The pressure required for a newborn adjustment is about the same pressure you use to check the ripeness of a tomato. Specific, gentle, Chiropractic adjustments can help your baby develop, grow and adapt to the stressors in life. We recommend getting your baby checked by a Chiropractor within 2 weeks of birth (sooner if there were complications). As your baby grows and learns new things (rolling over, crawling, walking), it’s important to continue checking the integrity of their neuro-spinal system. Our kids deserve a life without limits.